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Fostering Latino/a Kids to be "Bien Educados"

Feb 9, 2021

3:00 - 4:00 PM


Gustavo Carlo, Ph.D.

Director of the Cultural Resilience and Learning Center

University of California, Irvine


In this talk, Dr. Carlo discusses how his research focuses on prosocial behaviors, an important marker of morality that forms the basis of peacebuilding, community harmony, and cooperation. Based on the notion that prosocial development stems from exposure to values, context, and practices, his team focuses on understanding prosocial development in U.S. Latinx youth. His approach is founded on the notion that many Latinx families desire children to be "bien educados" (i.e., well mannered, of good moral character) and that culture-related mechanisms help to explain prosocial development. His research demonstrates that caregivers transmit cultural values and ethnic identity to their offspring, and that cultural values and ethnic identity are linked to prosocial behaviors.

Autism and Physical Health: Building a National Research Network

Mar 9, 2021

3:00 - 4:00 PM

Kashia A. Rosenau, M.A.

Developmental Researcher, AIR-P Project Scientist

University of California, Los Angeles 


​In this talk, Rosenau discusses how in response to the lack of research on autism and physical health, the Autism Intervention Research Network on Physical Health (AIR-P) is interested in creating optimal health and well-being for autistic individuals. Ms. Rosenau presents her research and work with AIR-P, a network aimed at increasing research that benefits autistic people and mentoring early-stage researchers, seeking to increase the quality of primary care for autistic individuals across the lifespan.

Professional Development Seminar: How To Build a Resume & Curriculum Vitae

Mar 29, 2021

3:00 - 4:00 PM

Hosted by Aaron A. Foster, featuring multiple speakers

Humboldt State University


An online workshop for those planning on searching for jobs or going to graduate school. In this seminar the speakers share tips on how to make CVs and resumes, professional and competitive. Attendees learn how to highlight their strengths and experiences, and receive help with creating and editing resumes and/or CVs. 

SOAR's Merchandise Campaign

Officers worked together to design and create merchandise, available to purchase through Custom Ink.

Clinical Psychology: Forensic Specialization, Expertise, and Opportunities

Apr 6, 2021

3:00 - 4:00 PM


Lorraine Cuadra, Ph.D.

USC Institute of Psychiatry, Law, and Behavioral Science


Dr. Cuadra's presentation focuses on the education and training for clinical psychology, with a special emphasis on forensic psychology, and related career opportunities in the field.

The Effects of the Natural Environment on Children and Families

Apr 22, 2021

3:00 - 4:00 PM


Dina Izenstark, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Department of Child & Adolescent Development​

San Jose State University


Dr. Izenstark conducts applied, interdisciplinary research exploring the impact of time spent in nature on children and families, and how family-based nature activities can promote strong family relationships

Professional Development Seminar: The Hidden Curriculum 

Apr 26, 2021

1:00 - 2:00 PM


Hosted by Arron A. Foster, featuring multiple speakers

Humboldt State University


This seminar tackles hidden curriculum (i.e. the things that you are expected to know but no one ever taught you about academia). Attendees learn how to navigate academia and be a successful, informed, and actively involved student.

"My friends helped my [Mexican culture]:" Exploring peers' role in Mexican American first-year college students' ethnic identity development

May 4, 2022

3:00 - 4:00 PM


Lorraine Munoz, M.S., Ph.D. Candidate

Department of Human Development & Family Studies

University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign


Munoz's research focuses on peer ethnic socialization across the transition to college. This qualitative longitudinal study explores the content and impact of messages about ethnic identity that second-generation Mexican American first-year college students receive from their peers.

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